Goodbye from Ed

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If we do meet again, we'll smile indeed; If not, 'tis true this parting was well made. (‘Julius Caesar’, Shakespeare) So this is it! My last blog for Voluntario Global. I have to say, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Just looking back over the last ten weeks, I’ve taught English in a ‘villa’ in Barracas, translated for our tour of La Boca, made cakes at Comedor Los Pibes, visited an orphanage, been to a radio station, attended the opening of a new education centre in Travesuras and been to Casa Vela, a day centre for HIV-affected children (amongst many other things), and all of this has been thanks to Voluntario Global. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with them, and I hope to come back to Buenos Aires very soon indeed. All that remains is for me to introduce our next bloggers, who will be our very own Kelly Hall and Marisa Elliott. Join them next week. Thank you for reading and see you soon!

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