How can we build Community Health?

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How can we build Community Health?
At MILPA we believe that to build community health we need the active participation of different actors: neighbours, institutions, organizations, and health workers. Health is not limited to biology, sickness, and medications even though access to treatment and meds is essential. It's a process that also involves social, economic, political, historical, cultural, and environmental issues.
Health means prevention, environmental care, healthy nutrition, accompanying space, access to work, it means to listen and care about each other. Health means access to dignifying live conditions.
In the current political context we are going through in which health is seen as merchandise, where financial cuts and workers firings will be on hand, we need to stay organized to keep on building an integral vision of health that includes everyone.
How do we do that?
Treasuring and fighting for our Doctors, those who choose to work in the popular neighbourhoods.
Creating networks for accompanying.
Creating workshops that contribute to build this vision of health focused on prevention.
These are just a few of all the linkage possibilities with the Health Centers from the neighbourhoods, and this is what we wanted to show in the mural we painted. Health workers and the neighbours united and organized under the same premises.
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