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"A different glance"

Day after day I begin to observe and realize that before my life was very routine; days, hours, and minutes were reserved in the calendar to carry out what I had organized with more anticipation. I was busy without spending time on the most important things.
When the quarantine started, I was doing things that I felt I didn't have time for before. That's when I started to reflect and realized something very valuable. I started an interesting routine, which focused on my well-being and calmed my being.
From that moment on, I dedicated my valuable time to my physical, mental and spiritual health. Every morning I wake up very happy because I know it is not going to be a routine day. Those days became passing and surprising days. They are the days that one always remembers, treasures, and keeps. "The days that a traveler undertakes and does not want to be told the route of his journey, he just wants to live it and let himself be caught by the beautiful things on his way.
For the time being, I dedicate myself to being with my family and my being.
Everything can heal your soul and do not let time slow you down. Just let yourself be carried away by surprises. Something small makes it unique and memorable: from watching movies with the family, reading, spending hours in the yard and feeling the caresses of the breeze, listening to music that reminds you of those quiet days you had as a child, being able to see a flower open in the middle of the sunset and watching the little birds without worrying. Going to your favorite tree, singing that melody you heard next to your house, even if you don't remember the lyrics, but you know it's present every time you hear it, writing just to clear your mind that calms and relieves me because I know these are days that I dedicate to myself. It's the calm I've always needed and I'm getting it. Every day I feel full of energy.
I feel that the quarantine has a good part as well as a bad part.
On the good side, I always share my joy with my family and friends. On the downside, quarantine doesn't allow me to be with the people I want to share my joyful days with. I miss that warm hug, the smell of freshly cut grass, spending hours talking with friends, sharing mate in the evenings at work.
Although I have been replacing other habits, I am also aware that it is for the health and well-being of our loved ones. "I will not let distance take me away from these moments and I will recharge my energy to give a big hug to each of my loved ones. I already have some very warm hugs in store for this winter.



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