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"Neighborhood Networks and Collective Solutions"


The social isolation, as a preventive measure adopted by the national government, is transformed by my colleagues into an opportunity for deep reflection on the causes of the current situation, which allows us to reaffirm more strongly that the solutions must be collective, and that the values that are part of our foundations are our strength to build a better world, fair for all.

In this context, social organizations are faced with the challenge of creating new strategies in the territories that will allow us to resolve urgent needs and in turn give rise to reflection on the multidimensional crisis that the capitalist system is throwing at us, which has as its goal the accumulation of capital at the cost of socio-environmental annihilation, in order to imagine a world that is in healthy balance and welcoming to all, including nature, of which we are apart.
Even though I present them as separate issues, the actions of the comrades in the neighborhoods show us the way to where we should go, from solidarity, equity, and organization. It is said that the popular neighborhoods are units of isolation since it is impossible to imagine the streets completely depopulated. Our neighborhoods are characterized by their networks, the dense network of social fabrics, and that is our strength, but of course, we have to create ways to take advantage of them, challenges that we are willing to take. 

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