Goodbye Sophie from Australia!

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Sophie at her goodbye party Sophie at her goodbye party Voluntario Global


After two weeks volunteering as an English teacher at the English Institute, Sophie (Australia) left Buenos Aires to continue on her trip through South America.


Her memorable “beautiful smile” will stay in the students' mind, as the director of the school said during the little party the school organised for her last day. On the flag that all the students signed and offered her, we can read messages such as “thank you Sophie”, “Good luck” and “Good travel”, what is the greatest and sweetest way for them to express their gratitude.


At the beginning of her volunteering experience, she expected it to be challenging and rewarding, and also to be the opportunity to give back to the community after receiving so much. Her main purpose was to have an impact on the students, and teach them things they don't know.


When she went back to the Voluntario Global guest house after her last day, she felt she succeeded in sharing a part of her knowledge with the students. She didn't even want to leave, because she was now much more confident and the students were truly listening to her and learning from her presence there.


Thank you Sophie for giving your best during your two weeks here and for being such a good volunteer !

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