#8M: We keep on fighting

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As every March 8, we commemorate what happened to the 129 women who died in a fire on March 8, 1908, demanding better working conditions. Today, more than 100 years later, we are still fighting for our rights.

We fight against violence against women and the LGBTTIQ+ population, inequalities when it comes to getting a job, wage differences, inequalities in household chores.
In Argentina, there is a femicide every less than 30 hours, only 2 out of 10 top decision-making positions are occupied by women, and we earn on average 29 percent less than male peers in the same position. It is not a cosmetic fight, we need public policies that really take care of our rights and not an empty discourse. We need institutions to recognize us and society to take us seriously.
Today we claim because our work and our struggles are essential, we say enough of Femicides, Transvesticides, and Transfemicides, we demand a real implementation of the work quota and inclusion of Transvestite, Trans, and Non-Binary, and we demand a reform in the Patriarchal Justice.
We will celebrate when no woman is missing when there is real equality and we do not have to live day by day fighting against patriarchal violence.


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