Argentina without Hunger

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Argentina without Hunger Argentina without Hunger Voluntario Global

Brief reflection of the Pacheco Community on the document "Argentina sin hambre".

The  "Argentina sin hambre" plan presented by the elected president, Alberto Fernández, outlines many ideas and proposals with which we agree. There is no room to doubt that food and nutrition are human rights and that, in addition, malnutrition threatens the future, health, of our people. On the other hand, as the text mentions, food must be a priority in State Policies. However, we wonder if this text contemplates the need for a profound change that allows us to achieve the objectives mentioned.

Not only the distribution of foods and the decrease in its price are needed, but also progress towards proposals that include land tenure, formalization and decent work for small producers and family producers who, together with recovered and social organizations, work to support Feeding where no one else does. It is the social organizations working in a network that sustain the necessary social framework around food. They are the ones who understand that the food dish is part of the support of our ties, our traditions, our culture and our land.

A food transformation includes a questioning of the food that the market offers us. Question, in addition, about what is planted in our country, about the agribusiness and its implications for our food and our health.

The document does not mention agroecology, a non-hegemonic paradigm that proposes, from its various definitions, a fundamental correspondence between academic and traditional knowledge of the peoples. As well as, a relationship with nature that allows us to preserve it and achieve a form of food production that achieves food security and sovereignty.
It will definitely not be in the hands of the actors who see food and health as a profitable business with whom we build an agroecological model that guarantees food security and sovereignty.

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