Childcare & Children

Viernes, 03 Junio 2016 14:52

Working With Kids

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Picture this. A room full of 10 month old babies to 1-year-old toddlers waddling around and with only two women…
Marie, from Norway, arrived in Buenos Aires to assist in one of Voluntario Global's kindergarten projects to volunteer with kids,…
Imagine growing up in a neighborhood that doesn’t exist – neither on a map, nor acknowledged by your country. The…
Martes, 06 Octubre 2015 23:11

Back to School in Barracas

Playfulness and bursts of colour define this pretty, pink kindergarten in Barracas and despite the relentless rain, the children were…
Sábado, 13 Septiembre 2014 00:56

Sarah's Erfahrungsbericht

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Erfahrt in dem Video, was Sarah, ein Kleinstadtmädchen aus Australien, über ihre Gefühle und Erlebnisse erzählt. Sie wagte es ihre…
Jueves, 11 Septiembre 2014 19:36

Sarah's First Volunteer Experience

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What a small town girl from Australia feels about doing a complete 180 and traveling solo for the first time. 
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