Childcare & Children

Martes, 25 Febrero 2014 17:03

Volunteer Update from Suarez

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As always, the tías (aunts) at the kindergarten are doing a great job with the kids. Our volunteers Sarah and…
Viernes, 07 Febrero 2014 14:59

Summer child care in Buenos Aires

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When school is out in Buenos Aires, many families long to escape the city’s heat and chaos for a few…
There is a new project you can be part of. It is a Summer Camp for 30 young children aged…
Jueves, 26 Diciembre 2013 17:27

A child in the Kindergarten

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Isabel de Bertodano and Henry Rossi from a small town in England seized an opportunity and came to Buenos Aires…
Viernes, 29 Noviembre 2013 14:48

A dog, a fire and a kindergarten

I often wonder what the best feeling in the world is. A fresh breeze against your cheek and an ice…
Viernes, 11 Octubre 2013 16:52

3 Months, 30 Goodbyes

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Von Sarah Breinbauer Drei Monate sind nun vergangen und es fühlt sich noch immer an, als wäre ich erst gestern…
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