Reviews from Past Volunteers

By Francesca Monteiro Combinar latas de atún viejas con alambre de dispositivos intrauterinos desechados no es algo que hubiera imaginado…
By Francesca Monteiro Pairing old tuna cans and unused contraceptive coil wire is not something I would have previously imagined.…
Sábado, 09 Noviembre 2024 10:39

Volunteer ambassador: Kylan Denney

Written by
From: USABirthday: December 13, 2004Volunteered mainly teaching English and helped at the soup kitchen during the winter holidays in 2024.Studies …
Jueves, 27 Octubre 2022 08:45

Crèche Argentine (French version)

La crèche n’est pas un simple lieu où l’on accueille et prend soin de vos enfants, c’est une institution qui…
The crèche is not just a place where your children are welcomed and cared for, it is an institution with…
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