Fascism must be fought

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Abi, our coordinator, reflects about the result of the last elections held in Argentina.

A few days ago, past Sunday 19th, the fascist candidate Javier Milei won the elections in Argentina.

We won’t deny the economic crisis, the everyday struggle that led 56 percent of the population to vote for him. Things aren’t good in Argentina, inflation and poverty rates are on the rise, and the uncertainty about our future is draining people’s lives. We know this kind of crisis smooths the way for fascism to be on the front spots again. But we are talking about a president who openly said on national TV that wants everything to explode, that social justice and human rights are something that costs money, that climate change doesn’t exist, that selling human organs is just “another part of the market”, that denies the genocide our country suffered during the last military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983, that wants to privatize our health and educational system, along many other disgusting and dangerous things about politics, economics, and social issues. He is our future president, and from December 10th he’ll be in power.

As a social organization that stands up for social justice and human rights, we can’t remain silent over this. We are deeply worried about the next 4 years we’ll have to face in Argentina.

But one thing we know for sure: we’ll fight for our people. We’ll be the resistance. We’ll defend our memory. We’ll be right there where our rights are in danger. Tears have been cried these days, hope may have seemed lost for a little bit, but fear will not conquer us.

As Valeria, our founder, said to us: “The most important thing right now is to have on hand all the hugs we can give and receive all the hugs we need. We know the resistance will come from our organized, solidary communities that are full of love. This is how we start the week: on the fighting side, meeting with everyone we can, and building unity. Today each one of us is essential in the trench we are in and we’ll have to be up to par of the historical moment our country, Latin America, and the world are going through”.

We’ll protect each other, no one will be left behind, because there’s one thing we have that they will never be able to take away from us: our strength.

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