October 30th: 40 years of the return of the democracy in Argentina

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From March 24th 1976, to October 30th 1983, the most sanguinary dictatorship of our history occurred in Argentina. This year, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the return of the democracy in the middle of an elections year, plus a really complex context. We are sharing an article written by the "ECuNHi" team, a cultural space created by the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo and dedicated to their dissapeared sons and daughters.

On October 30th, 1983, argentinians voted again for the first time in 7th years. After 40 years of this conquest, some political fractions consider that "democratic dissatisfaction" is reason enough to put on risk the system argentinians choose.

But everything is guarded in our collective memory.

They subdued the country to external borrowing. They nationalized the private debt (yes, the companies debt), and the people had to pay for it. They destroyed the national industry (because for some of them it's still advantageous to be "the world's barn"). They kidnapped, tortured, harassed, and dissappeared 30.000 people. They appropiated their children (only 132 of them recover their identitys, over 300 still didn't... ). They got into a war that cost us the life of 650 compatriots (and after the war, over 850 of them died or commited suicide because of the lack of help, medical and psychological atention).

The argentinian people survived with all their rights violated. We need to remember. Investigate. Read. We can't forget.

Democracy for ever.

#ECuNHi Team.

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