Marie’s First Day Volunteering at Voluntario Global's Kindergarten Project

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Having some laughs with the kids! Having some laughs with the kids!

Marie, from Norway, arrived in Buenos Aires to assist in one of Voluntario Global's kindergarten projects to volunteer with kids, meet new people, and to learn more about Argentinian culture. As she is pursuing a degree in Social Anthropology, the kindergarten seemed to be a good fit for her and the goals she wishes to achieve.  

On her first day, Marie knew only the basics of the kindergarten.  Otherwise, she had no idea what to expect of the structure of the kindergarten, what the schedule would be like, or how many students there would be. So as the train pulled into the last stop of the line Suarez, it was time to find out!

The Voluntario Global team walked into the kindergarten to find two dozen children laughing and chatting in their little chairs. The kindergarten was a humble, rectangular hallway that comprised of an open concept of two “classrooms” which loosely separated a handful of three year olds from around fifteen four-to-five year olds. Marie was welcomed warmly by the teachers, and then quickly put to real work: it was play time!

Marie wiggled her way among the children, playing with plastecine, getting them acquainted with the new "Rubia".  With only a two-week Spanish course under her belt, she hopes to learn more of the language with the students at the kindergarten, where she will be volunteering for the next seven weeks.

During lunch time, Marie helped serve the kids ravioli, juice, and encouraged them to finish up and clean their plates.

Marie’s first impression of the kindergarten was a positive one, highlighting the friendly and humble environment with a good group of students. She is excited to get started with her new meaningful volunteer adventure with Voluntario Global.

Have fun, Marie!

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