Spanish Spoken in Argentina Featured

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Do you speak spanish? Do you speak spanish?

The Spanish spoken in Argentina is called Rioplatense, a dialect found mainly in the basin of the Rio de la Plata. While some influences from Amerindian languages exist, Spanish in Argentina has mostly been affected by European languages, particularly Italian (especially in the intonation, such as the emphasis on the last syllable of 2nd person conjugations: vos querés). ‘Voseo’ is so common in Argentina that “tú” is hardly used in common speech, and Argentinian Spanish is the only form that uses it officially.

“Vos” is a very important part of Argentine Spanish and has its own conjugation in the simple present tense. Although using “tu” is obviously understood here, we’d like to fill you in on this difference in Castellano.


Instead of “tu eres” Argentines say “vos sos”

Instead of “tu tienes” Argentines say “vos tenés”

Instead of “tu vienes” Argentines say “vos venís”

Instead of “tu puedes” Argentines say “vos podés”

Instead of “tu hablas” Argentines say “vos hablás”

With a verb, like “decir” for instance, you take the infinitive form, drop the “r”, and add an “s” and stress the last syllable= decís. Very simple, try it!

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