By Federica Pisi
Volunteering with children is an extremely fun and satisfying experience, but don’t forget that your attitude and commitment to the project are the main elements to make your time a great success!
1: Try to organize activities for the whole group, so that everyone can join in. Keep the actions very simple, children find it difficult to concentrate hard for a long time!
2: Be consistent in how you deal with the children. Kids are very perceptive, they will pick up on any perceived favoritisms.
3: Be patient and flexible! Most of the children are very shy; don't try to rush or force a relationship. Look for ways to compliment and encourage them often as you can.
4: Be mindful of cultural differences. It is very important to observe the children’s behavior before you act because their codes of conduct might be very different from the ones you're used to at home. Be aware and respectful.
5: Dress practically. Wear clothes that you don’t want keep clean since you will be asked to play football or play in the sand, etc.. For example, high heels are not appropriate.
6: Enjoy your experience with children and have fun!! Don't be afraid to show your infantile and silly side, kids of all ages love it. Bring your heart and your sense of humor to your volunteering. These, along with an enthusiastic spirit, are priceless.