Voluntario Global Ambassador Sonia Gandesha

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 I volunteered in March 2017 for 2 weeks. It was the most rewarding experience of my life.

 I went to the University of East London and studied at the College of Law in London. I was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors on the 2nd September 2002. Today I am a solicitor in London and I specialise in property law. I help people buy and sell properties in or around London. I have been working in the profession for 18 years.

I live and work in London and have done all my life. In my spare time, I practice yoga and I am learning to speak Spanish. I also love to travel and visit new places and people and to experience different cultures and ways of life. I have taught English as a volunteer in Argentina and also in India ( Jaipur). Both of these experiences were amazing albeit different. I found them both rewarding and inspiring.
I also like to spend time with my friends and family. I believe that life is what we make of it.
We are truly the masters of our own destiny.

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