Voluntario Global Ambassador Cat Valero

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Voluntario Global Cat Valero Voluntario Global Cat Valero


I've been traveling the world by myself since I was 18 years old and took a gap year before college. Also I live in NYC and love to find ways to give back to my community in a creative way.

I graduated college in 2013 with a degree in Political Science with minors in Communications, Eastern Arab Studies, and Religious Studies. Since graduation in 2013 I was a volunteer in Argentina with Voluntario Global to improve my Spanish and support a nonprofit abroad, I was Elon University New York City Alumni Chapter President for two years, and have since become chair of my class' Fifth Year Reunion. Currently, I am a Development Associate with New York Road Runners (NYRR) in New York City. In the fall I plan to produce my very own podcast, topic is TBD. I volunteered with VG in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2015. Currently, I work for the New York Road Runners (NYRR) in their Development & Philanthropy department. NYRR is a nonprofit that helps inspire youth and adults in the five-boroughs of NYC and local communities across the country by running. 

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