Volunteers Sophia and Izzy tell us about their experience teaching English in Buenos Aires.
Volunteers Sophia and Izzy tell us about their experience teaching English in Buenos Aires.
By Kylan Denney . in Service Learning
By Kylan Denney
Halfway through my internship and teaching experience, I’ve been given more than I thought possible. I’ve been given complexity, understanding and hope in so many different capacities from others and all of it happened through Voluntario Global.
By Abigail Parodi . in Voluntario Global Info
Unlocking potential through pedagogical navigation: embracing challenges and opportunities in international volunteering.
By Abigail Parodi . in Voluntario Global Info
Siempre decimos que el voluntariado es un proceso de aprendizaje, y un proceso de aprendizaje jamás sucede de manera aislada. Por lo tanto el voluntariado también es una experiencia colectiva.
By Abigail Parodi . in Voluntario Global Info
As we always say, volunteering is a learning process. And a learning process is never isolated. Volunteering is also a collective experience signed by the relation we'll create with the communities we'll work with.
Voluntario Global helps local communities by being available to discuss anything that local organizations need, and offering ideas for further change and development.
Location: General Pacheco. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.