They offer me warm hugs and hot food before I can even set my stuff down. I go once a week to help them cook because for some reason, I always leave in a state of peace and a full stomach. They do so much for the community, ensuring that no one stays hungry and that the kids at the kindergarten have a well-balanced diet.
On Friday, the women in the kitchen did something I’ve never seen them do: ask for support from the community. They hosted a food fair in which each of them brought a few home cooked dishes (all from Argentina, of course) and sold them to the community. They did this to fundraise for a weekend retreat called “El Encuentro de Mujeres” where many women from other community kitchens and other non-profit organizations go on a trip together. They offer workshops, other fun activities and this year, they will be going to Rosario.
A yearly tradition, they set an array of pizzas, pancakes filled with dulce de leche, empanadas, cakes, and other goodies outside the community kitchen and kindergarten. Unfortunately, it began to rain not even an hour after the sale had started so they had to hurry everything inside. However, that didn’t hinder their success! I, myself, bought more food than I could handle and was more than happy to support these ladies who give the community everything that they have.