Cultural Diversity: Presence and Resistance

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An article written by Comunidad MILPA, one of our biggest projects, about their last Integral Health Day. Comunidad MILPA is a community center and sustainability project based in the outskirts of Buenos Aires and founded by Valeria, who's also the founder of Voluntario Global. To get to know more about it you can check their instagram account: comunidad_milpa, and also look them up in our webpage.

With Las Tunas Community, we decided that October's Integral Health Day would be about the visibilization of the native's fight and the existence of diverse cultures in our neighbourhood.

At the Primary School 26, we shared a whole afternoon exchanging about the different cultures that gives us Identity, and visibilized the native's fight in defense of the earth, water and life.

We understand that there is a dominant eurocentric culture that imposes us how to live, how to think, and how to relate to each other. We invite all to problematize it, to visibilize the silenced voices that despite the attacks, they resist and exist in our communities. Another way to live is possible, based on respect, equality and justice.

In the Integral Health Day different High Schools and Primary Schools were present with their students and workers, as well the Health Center CEPAN and members from Comunidad MILPA.

The stands were oriented to visibilize the different cultures that exist in our country and in Latinoamérica, with activities such as reading in native languages, puzzles to identify the different cultures, and activities about Identity, the natives worldview and connection to land and feeding.

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