Month for Agroecology: towards an economy with social justice.

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Past September 30th, Voluntario Global participated with Comunidad MILPA in an activity held there on the context of the Month for Agroecology. Here's the article written by MILPA about it, translated for all of you. You can read the original in Spanish at @comunidad_milpa instagram account.

Past September 30th at Comunidad MILPA we participated in an event in the context of the Month for Agroecology, attended by local producers, marketers, consumers, the Agroecology Directorate, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, and the Buenos Aires Province Undersecretary of Popular Economy. 


In the exchange, we identify the following difficulties: the access to land as a battle we need to fight and unify and a State that serves the conventional system, production, commercialization, and consumption.


We see Agroecology as a political practice that disputes with the conventional capitalist system that discards and excludes, power and hegemony. Through Agroecology, cooperative work, and environmental care, we organize and articulate our actions aimed at inclusion and community development.


In the assembly, we discussed the need to deepen the dialogue and political debate along the nets we are part of, including the protagonistic participation of all the chain links that make possible the practice of Agroecology, as well as the articulation with the State, to strengthen this social movement and production model. 


Here are some questions that came up, to keep on thinking and encourage the exchange:


  • How can we build unity?
  • What's like the State that's coming? (Remember this is an election year in Argentina).
  • How can we build autonomy?
  • How can we team up given what's coming?


"We can't practice Agroecology from individualism, everyone's participation is needed"

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