Should we change our paradigms?

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We keep hearing phrases like "when the pandemic is over" or "when normality returns" tied to any kind of progress or proposals. Last year was a challenge for all of us, and we learned a lot from it, managed to adapt to some of the issues, and failed in others. However, I notice a tendency not to seek to correct those shortcomings but to deny everything.

There is a tendency to believe that "living with the virus" is the same as pretending that nothing is happening when this is not the case. Living together implies a degree of acceptance of reality and a commitment to it, a commitment that is not individual, but for others, a social commitment.

We are in a stage of denial, which perhaps should be a duel of "normality". There is always a strong resistance to change, are we trying to get through it? The rigidity that is seen with the concepts of "normality" is very particular, even when we know that our reality is constantly changing, we remain fixed to a past moment.

We believe it is important to put this into a debate because there is no single answer, but also because it is something that must be built collectively. Perhaps it is time to start moving our paradigms before others do so for us.


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