Let’s talk about soft skills: Leadership

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Soft Skills Certificate Leadership Soft Skills Certificate Leadership Milena Sapey

Leadership is the ability to inspire,  energize, and engage the members of a team towards a common goal. While there are people who seem to be naturally more endowed with leadership features than others, anyone can become a leader by improving some skills...

We all know that this is a highly valued skill at the corporate level, so we want to emphasize the importance of leadership at the community level.

One of the characteristics of leaders in community spaces is that they are active citizens, intending to change the reality in which they live. In this sense, a community leader must listen to the members of that community and seek collective solutions that involve everyone.

At Voluntario Global, we seek to foster that sense of change about community and development, especially in youth projects. We believe that it is important to generate spaces where young people can debate and share with others what is happening to them. It is in this context that a seed is planted so that young people can become community leaders, citizens interested in their reality.

Besides, the VG network is made up of leaders from different communities who are truly an inspiration for their work and dedication.

It is in this context that volunteers get involved in the projects, in spaces of very strong community action. Just being part of these spaces generates motivation for certain leadership characteristics. However, the development of this skill is a long process of learning and practice, but without a doubt, volunteering gives the tools to develop this path.




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