The macho violence that women suffer from as children and that we endure and naturalize on a daily basis and sometimes we don't know how to ask for help. So, when your partner beat her up and after much thought, you are going to report it, Zas! They make fun of you, they make fun of you, you're not understood at all. Getting out of the circle of violence, of that swamp is a slow process and not easy.
But I know women who are capable of putting their feet in the mud for another woman, and this is where the feminists I have the honor of knowing come in. They are capable of confronting machismo, those who make you feel that you are not and will not be alone, let's learn what sorority is possible in this hostile world, that's why I invite them to the union between women, let's build "us" to each other. Let us not be scandalized by those who fight, but by those who die, those who are violated.
Please, my friend, be part of the revolution as the engine of social change.
No less about violence for everyone: women, lesbians, trans, transvestites, bisexuals, and non-binaries.
Remember that if you are alone with your abuser call 144 or go to the pharmacy and ask for a red mask, it's a sign that you need help.