Most of us are complying with the confinement, and that's fine, that's the government's ruling. But, we must take into account that not all the decisions that come down from the leaders have to be taken as absolute and indisputable truth; (both in health and social areas) since, it is not the same the official truth, than the scientific truth and because when a politician is wrong the one who pays is the people.
For these reasons I believe we must keep our common sense sharp and be critical at all times; observe everything that happens, the ramifications of each decision and why each decision is made. If we let panic rule us, this will be taken advantage of (as it has been throughout history) by "opportunists", "leaders" or "governments", for example: by annulling agreements, rights and freedoms (temporarily granted by the situation) that were achieved throughout history.
On the other hand, although we are going through a difficult moment, I also think it is important to start looking at this problem, at this crisis, as an opportunity to "reinvent" ourselves, both in terms of work, family, and society, and also in terms of interpersonal relations.
I think the key is to ask questions all the time. Questioning how we want to live, what our life purpose is, where we are going, who we want to go with, and who we don't. Having the courage to answer these questions and make the corresponding decisions will make the difference that is needed at this time. Each of us must answer these questions to know what to do and how to continue...
Finally, I wish you all much happiness and health and remember...