Let's Talk about Soft Skills: Confidence

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Soft Skills Certificate confidence Soft Skills Certificate confidence Milena Sapey

When we talk about confidence as a soft skill, people usually think about self-confidence. But this soft skill is more than that. It's the personal ability to believe in yourself and others, and establish trust-based relationships.

 Why is this point so important for us? We encourage volunteers to get involved in the project, to get to know the community and bond with them, even if you are staying a short time. We understand volunteering as a two-way relationship, so confidence and trust-based relationships are fundamental. 

It doesn't mean that you have to be confident to volunteer, just that you have to be open to trusting others and yourself. Volunteering as an experience tests you over and over again, and by the end, you will have learned several things about yourself. Volunteering will help to strengthen your self-confidence, to understand that you can't do everything alone and that it involves trusting others and building together.


 Check out testimonials from previous volunteers on this soft skill:

  "I started off working in a local health center in one of the poorest areas in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Jose Leon Suarez. I worked in reception dealing with administrative tasks, making medical history files, handing out the government provided milk, and helping the locals complete any paperwork required. It was a great project and suited me perfectly as it was quite hands-on and everyone was so friendly. The locals and other staff were patient with my poor and nervous Spanish and I grew in confidence working there. It was also where I first began to appreciate mate!"

  • Olivia Puddicombe, volunteering in the health center 


"I would definitely recommend VG for people who are willing to experience how it is to help people in need, get in touch with people, be involved in new situations, and leave their comfort zone. It is a chance to learn more about different cultures, about solidarity, and last but not least about yourself!"

  • Jiyan Endorgan, Communications volunteer


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