Fundraising campaigns



Cristian traveled to Bogota, Colombia on January 28, 2015. During the course of four weeks will be learning and sharing knowledge in the “Organizmo Foundation” whose goal is to design and training to develop sustainable habitats.
This foundation makes sustainable construction and is defined as a laboratory for social housing. It work with the community from their own realities and knowledge building a better habitat that respects the identity and the environment. The place is a community volunteer village where besides building workshops horticulture, agriculture and landscaping are performed.


Mabel will travel to Xalapa, Mexico on August 2015. She works helping poor people to make visible their social problems and claiming and requesting for solutions. She works today with the Ministry of Securuty of the National Government in order to find ddeeper solutions.

The volunter place is already chosen, rural primary school in El Zapotal will be waiting her.


Samantha will travel toQuito,EcuadoronApril 24, 2015to attend theWorld Conferenceon EcotourismandSustainable Tourism(Ecotourismand SustainableTourismConference -ESTC15).

Samanthapursuinga degreein Tourismat the Universidad de SanMartin andhis desireis to focustowardslocal developmentthrough tourism as a way of responsible andsustainable understanding.


Ximena and Nicolas traveled to Portsmouth, England on January 12, 2015. Some Portsmouth Grammar School students were visiting Buenos Aires on October and now they are receiving them.   
Steven Page, director of the Spanish area of the Portsmouth school and VG volunteer since 7 years ago made this exchange possible. It is significant to say that the school focuses on knowing and teaching about Latin America culture, promotes volunteerism and its students learn Spanish.


Federico will travel to Vallegrande, Bolivia in 2015. Fede have been working in the Youth Cooperative Laundry founded by VG. He will have the opportunity to meet a people with great agricultural tradition in the fertile valley of Bolivia, where the community is self-organized for social and productive activities. He will be close to the “La Higuera”, the place where “Che Guevara” was captured and killed. Vallegrande is one of the places that keeps the history of Che through their places and people.

So far we have raised US$ 7524, which will allow 4-5 grants!

We would very much like to thank our donors: Bernadette Hoste & Antoni Mackowski, Jamie Evans, Steven Page, Astrid Susaas.

Conor Ryan, Rob Argent, Brendan Evans, Dorota Holowiak, Carla Goldsmith, Zoe Mulvaney, Mark Statham, Maria Valentina Herrera Correa, Andrew Butcher, Caitriona Chawke, Catherine Dalton, Ian Hemmingway, Isobel Evans, Taif Al Delamie, Nick Statham, Brian Dagg, Alicia Statham, Ellen Larkin, Stephen Thorpe, Michael Tasker, Rob Feder, Marcus Hodder, Sarah Evans, Peter Latkin, Danny Fenn, Katy Mountain.

Kate O Shea, Pascal  Dierickx,  Lucien Verlaenen, Jean-Luc Hoste, Marcel Hoste, Sally Quantock, Celine Serta, Vinciane & Laurent Parmentier, Yvette Hoste, Anny Hoste, Anne Marie Slootmans, Pierrot Hoste, Barbara Ketterigde, Ana Fernandez, Andre Wauthion, Dalton family, Cecile Bridgens, Erik Nicholas, Linda Murdoch, Jacqueline Chilcott, Francesca Carter, Shereen Birch, Nina Bridgens, Rita Dierickx, Danielle Tistaert, Claude Ostijn Spike, Tessa Kelly, Anna Heenan, Katrina Turner, Marilyn Tye, Geraldine Plowden, Jennifer, Romily Jones, Joanne Mackowski, Michel & Marie Hoste, Peter & Myra Bunce, Irene Keith, Gay & Jacintha, Ken & Maureen Brown, Peter O Regan, Wayne Bridgens, Cecilia Giordano, Josefina & Andrew Mason, Andrea Ruiz, Famille Hoste, Paula Armati, Monique & Hans Kimmich-Hoste.

Our Fellow Armin

On the 4th of March 2013, Armin, one of the co-founders of Voluntario Global was killed by two youngsters who tried to steal his motorbike.

He had dedicated his life to helping kids, teenagers and adults from the shantytowns and managed to improve their lives thanks to education, work opportunities and training.

Armin died at the age of only 29 with a big dream remaining unfulfilled: he had always wanted to travel. Armin was convinced that the opportunity to travel and  learn from other experiences and exchange was an essential way of training, motivation and creation of bonds among those seeking a more equal and fairer world.

Like him, we believe that youth engagement is the base of our work in the community. We believe that the vision, ideals and energies of young people are vital for social change. Therefore, it is our desire that they have the chance to travel, see the world and have an opportunity to broaden their minds.

Charity Boxing Event by Jamie Evans

3rd of October 2013, 6.00 pm // Charity Boxing Event // The Coronet Theatre, London

Jamie, a former volunteer of VG, and two friends of him are entering the ring for the very first time that night They started boxing a few months ago, spending hundreds of hours in the gym since then just to be ready for their big day and to make Armin’s dream come true. For more information please visit our facebook event.

Our final raised amount is US$ 2959 and we would very much like to thank our donors: Conor Ryan, Rob Argent, Brendan Evans, Dorota Holowiak, Carla Goldsmith, Zoe Mulvaney, Mark Statham, Maria Valentina Herrera Correa, Andrew Butcher, Caitriona Chawke, Catherine Dalton, Ian Hemmingway, Isobel Evans, Taif Al Delamie, Nick Statham, Brian Dagg, Alicia Statham, Ellen Larkin, Stephen Thorpe, Michael Tasker, Rob Feder, Marcus Hodder, Sarah Evans, Peter Latkin, Danny Fenn, Katy Mountain and Jamie Evans.

Praline’s Walk by Bernadette Hoste

13th of October 2013, 2.45pm // Praline’s Walk // Wimbledon Common, London

Bernadette, who formerly worked for VG, set up Praline’s Walk in 2010 after her dog Praline died in an accident in France in summer 2010. Since then, Praline’s walk was carried out two times with the profits being donated for a good cause. In memory of Armin the walk is carried out in October, the month in which Armin was born, this year. All profits are used to make Armin’s Dream come true. For more information please visit Praline's Walk.

Our final raised amount is US$ 3550 and we would very much like to thank our donors: Kate, Pascal, Bernadette & Antoni, Lucien, Jean-Luc, Marcel Hoste, Sally, Celine, Vinciane & Laurent, Yvette, Anny, Anne Marie, Pierrot, Barbara, Ana, Andre, Barabara, Dalton Family and Cecile.