Voluntario Global Ambassador Lahav Calev

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Voluntario Global Ambassador Lahav Calev Voluntario Global Ambassador Lahav Calev

I'm an English Teacher for ultra-orthodox men.

Im a B.A graduate in Psychology And Sociology, Group Facilitator and have worked mainly in training and facilitating. Have worked both in the private and non profit sectors. I have volunteered in my country and during backpack traveling. Was fortunate enough to visit Argentina twice (so far), Voluntario Global really made my visit to Buenos Aires much more meaningful and fun!

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Pensar el voluntariado como una experiencia colectiva

Siempre decimos que el voluntariado es un proceso de aprendizaje, y un proceso de aprendizaje jamás sucede de manera aislada. Por lo tanto el voluntariado también es una experiencia colectiva.

Volunteering as a collective experience

As we always say, volunteering is a learning process. And a learning process is never isolated. Volunteering is also a collective experience signed by the relation we'll create with the communities we'll work with.

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