Voluntario Global Ambassador Isabelle Wentworth

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Voluntario Global Ambassador Isabelle Wentworth Voluntario Global Ambassador Isabelle Wentworth

I'm a student of English Literature.

I love teaching English as well as learning new languages, which was what drew me to volunteer as an English teacher in Buenos Aires. During my time as a volunteer I made dozens of wonderful new friends - both my students and other people in the Voluntario Global community.

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Pensar el voluntariado como una experiencia colectiva

Siempre decimos que el voluntariado es un proceso de aprendizaje, y un proceso de aprendizaje jamás sucede de manera aislada. Por lo tanto el voluntariado también es una experiencia colectiva.

Volunteering as a collective experience

As we always say, volunteering is a learning process. And a learning process is never isolated. Volunteering is also a collective experience signed by the relation we'll create with the communities we'll work with.

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