Voluntario Global Ambassador Jack Sice

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Voluntario Global Ambassador Jack Sice Voluntario Global Ambassador Jack Sice
My name's Jack, I'm 19 years old, passionate about football and languages and about to start my degree at University College London.  

From June to July 2018 I spent a month volunteering in the kindergarten in the Barracas neighbourhood of Buenos Aires. When I arrived in Argentina my experience of working with children was restricted to babysitting my younger cousins and my Spanish was rusty and in serious need of some work. However, a month working with the most adorable group of three year old kids taught me so much. I didn't just improve my Spanish imperatives (sit down, stop running, stop jumping...) during a short space of time I became more confident working with the children and developed a close bond with many of them. 

Voluntario Global were extremely supportive through my time at the project, and we kept in close contact throughout. 

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