Voluntario Global Ambassador Veena Bahia

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Voluntario Global Ambassador Veena Bahia Voluntario Global Ambassador Veena Bahia

Currently working as a Project Coordinator in central London for an IT communications service provider.

I am a Bachelor of Arts graduate from London, England. I took part in the volunteer program with Voluntario Global as I wanted to visit a country I have never visited before and I have heard so many amazing things about Argentina! I wanted real life experience in Latin America and to understand the culture and the people! I also wanted to learn Spanish to build my skills and allow me to communicate with local communities.

I was taken out of my comfort zone and went in totally alone and came out and loved every single moment. I did not want to leave Argentina. If I could I would live there permanently, its just such a beautiful country.
I have been married since 2016 and I have an Akita Dog called Niko who is my entire world! Maybe children... one day :)

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