Reflections in pandemic: Is another education possible?

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Little girl at the kindergarten Little girl at the kindergarten

In a context where the debate about face-to-face or virtual classes does not cease and where the situation is being exploited with interests, we believe it is important to reflect on another possible education: not to open or not to open, but how.

Francesco Tonucci, Italian thinker, psychopedagogue and cartoonist, says that the world thinks for children and not with them: "Their rights are publicly recognized, all the countries of the world have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, except the United States, which cannot approve it because some states have a death penalty for children under 18, and no country has consulted them. Article 12 makes it clear: children have the right to express their opinion whenever decisions affecting them are made. And their opinions must be taken into account. With the school issue it is very clear, if they were consulted they would have surely said that they do not want a school that is only classes and homework, because this was the school of the pandemic in almost all the world. The school that worked the least was made virtual or kept face-to-face. What I would have liked is for the ministries of education in the countries to say, "Please suspend the programs, now the urgent program is to help children understand what is happening, and to listen to them to see what they are experiencing and how they are experiencing it." Teachers can be experts at listening. So, in the face of this debate about whether to open or not to open, the important thing is how: if the school is opened, let it be in a different way."

Source: Tiempo Argentino


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