From face-to-face volunteer to online volunteer: Sonia's testimony

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Sonia volunteered a few years ago in Buenos Aires and she decided to be an online volunteer during the pandemic. Get to know more about her story here:

Could you introduce yourself?

 Hi. My Name is Sonia and I am from London. I work as a solicitor in London full time and I love traveling, yoga, and learning Spanish! I also like to spend time with my family and friends. 

What does it mean for you to volunteer?

 I recently started volunteering for Voluntario Global online speaking to the students and helping them practice English with a native speaker.  I love doing this. It gives me a sense of belonging and makes me feel part of something really important. 

  I think it is important to do something constructive with my time in London Lockdown. As I am learning Spanish myself I understand the importance of speaking to Native speakers to develop your knowledge of the language and learn a language. I also want to help people who are enthusiastic and keen to learn English.

Why did you decide to volunteer online?

I decided that I want to help other people and make a difference to someone. It gives me a purpose and so far I have really enjoyed my conversations with the children and I have also learned a lot about life in Argentina. I have been to Argentina and I had already volunteered for Voluntario Global so it makes sense to help this cause because I really care about it.  
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