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CHAPTER 16: Dai's reflections
" Stay communicated."

Yes, it's important to stay in touch. Talk to the people we love and show them our support and love in a virtual way.
More important, perhaps, is to communicate and to know in what situations this quarantine finds us. Most of us who are at home with our families must have the TV on in the news all day. Our old men, brothers, grandmothers, etc. are glued to the screen. Counting the days, infected people, and how many new deaths closes today. Listening 24/7 to what the hegemonic media is spewing into their heads all the time. Owning their thoughts and controlling their emotions.
The hegemonic media or as I read in the article "the means of propagation of the info-virus", always complicit, are one of the most important tools for capitalism since they have the power to manipulate and generate a mass thought that favors them. We must be careful so that they do not want to sell us solutions and we go running to buy them.
Faced with this problem unleashed by the models of agro-industrial production which, as is well known, are only interested in filling their pockets without caring about the other, much less natural, they are burning heads to build a kind of collective consensus that accepts issues and mandates that would never be allowed in any other context.
For example, naturalizing that the jute is in every corner asking you where you are going and watching your movements.
To have limited where to go, what to do, what to think, to avoid crowds of people (how convenient), to control our cell phones and other issues of "care".
that they're going to want to impose on us.
Let us pay attention to these things, to not naturalize, now more than ever our critical thinking, our collective reflections, our colleagues who work in the popular media every day, spreading awareness and judgment, empowering us.
More than ever I value the reflections of my comrades, which allow us to see beyond and give us the strength to continue in the struggle.
To close, let's turn off the TV at home, read, turn on the FM Riachuelo, chat and open debate. Let's be popular correspondents at home, in the neighborhood, wherever we can. It's a pretty disconcerting moment for many people, myself included, so it's also a moment where you see the work of social organizations, putting their chest into it as they always did, and they motivate you to follow their example of commitment to the other.


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