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CHAPTER 8: Diana's Reflections



These days, they're what I do every time. We never imagined going through this, fear and uncertainty. What will happen?

Who will get sick? Not just the virus in the body, but the virus and its consequences in the head, it's not easy.

Locking yourself up, keeping yourself isolated, as if it were the same for everyone.

Not everyone has a full fridge, not everyone has a roof. Not everyone has someone to hug and feel contained or to minimize feeling alone in the face of the pandemic.

Confinement and fear create pressure and let us discover that we are not invincible.

On the other hand, all of this also enhances the true self.

Bloom your solidarity or your selfishness. Who or what am I really?

How do I want to continue living? What is good for me?

I reaffirm, personally, that individualism takes away my opportunities. Opportunities to create and learn.


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