COVID-19: The survey as a resource that gives power to the community

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Survey in COVID-19 times Survey in COVID-19 times

In the last few weeks, Comunidad Pacheco conducted a social survey in one of the communities where we daily build community and popular economy.

The idea comes from understanding the need to generate strategies of community organization and communication, as well as to constitute links with the diverse programs of the state, and to make visible the demands, ideas, and proposals of the neighbors in view of the current COVID-19 situation. We believe that it is necessary to ask the community their problems and include them in the search for solutions. Neighbors have proposals and ideas for themselves and their communities that are not contemplated.

The survey covers the following thematic areas:

- Food situation.

- Economic income.

- State aid.

- Media used for information.

- Access to health and education.

- Economic situation and alternatives

Our survey was conducted virtually (20%) and in-person (80%) to 215 people over 18 years. The face-to-face surveys were carried out on public roads, as well as in community spaces that have just been opened to neighbors, picnic areas, canteens, Health Centre (vaccination). 
All the surveys were carried out by members of the Pacheco Community.
We believe in the need to establish and sustain work networks between the neighborhood and municipal organizations, to articulate roles and tasks and to share experiences as the only way for our community to be an active part of the design, execution, and realization of the solution to their demands and the construction of popular power. This survey is a tool that we make available to any territorial organization that believes it is useful for its community as well as the data provided by it.

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