It's NOT a Resignation, it's a Coup!

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It's NOT a resignation, it's a coup! It's NOT a resignation, it's a coup! Voluntario Global

After learning about the coup d’etat against president Evo Morales, the social organizations of Argentina stand up to defend democracy and peace in our continent.  Voluntario Global and Pacheco Community marched in solidarity with the Bolivian people who have worked hard to build a sovereign country based on social justice.


On Sunday November 10th Evo Morales, elected president of Bolivia who had been in power since 2006, resigned due to military pressure and in order to stop the ongoing violence happening on his country since the elections. What many believe is that this is a coup d’etat and a threat to Bolivia’s leftist and socialist legacy.

After winning with a 47%, on October 20th, rumours started to emerge about the lack of transparency in the elections and last week the Organization of American States claimed they had found proof of data manipulation and therefore could not certify the results. The country since then has been totally polarized and is divided by Morales supporters and critics. 

With the recent events in Latin America, such as the protests in Chile, the Victory of peronism in Argentina and the liberation of Lula Da Silva in Brasil. There seems to be a wave of awakening in the continent and therefore it can be understood the resurgence of a violent opposition to this movement. Bolivia seems to be now the main target.

That’s why as a civil organisation that believes in the union of Latin America’s power and leadership, Voluntario Global and Pacheco Community marched on Monday November 11th to protests against the coup d’etat Against Evo Morales and gathered at the Obelisco, where hundreds of people from different unions also gathered to show Bolivia support and to demand an urgent measure, finishing the march at the Bolivian embassy in Argentina.

Each country of Latin America is extremely rich in natural resources and has been a victim of developed countries that have tried to dominate them by exploiting their goods without benefiting them and rather harming their economy and its people. This is exactly what many Bolivians and South Americans fear right now and that's why they are asking for a recognition of Evo Morales victory as it was what the citizens ultimately voted for.

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