Summit in the Territory: Workers and Popular Economy

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Summit in the Territory: Workers and Popular Economy Summit in the Territory: Workers and Popular Economy Voluntario Global

The social organizations grouped under Voluntario Global decided to hold a "Summit" to reflect and discuss the present of our country and the strategies for the future we want to build.

In a first article, we shared the debates of the assembly on education and work, such as public policies. In this second part, we share the reflections on workers and the popular economy.

Workers and popular economy

While The G20 Summit strengthens an economy which does not see human beings as workers but rather as slaves, social organizations redefine the work culture and identity of workers. Those who seek work in the capitalist market without success, find options in the popular economy. Those who approach this economy have to "invent themselves" and they do so because they seek to see the fruit of their work and effort and recover the dignity that work gives them.

To us, the social organizations grouped under Voluntario Global, work is a source of inclusion in society and those who lose it are socially excluded. The capitalist system, by excluding people from the labor system, reproduces despair and misery. In Argentina, a trade union organization born no more than three years ago, the Confederation of workers of the popular economy (CTEP) helps workers in the popular economy to be recognized and have labor rights. 

When we think of the popular economy, we think far beyond economic sustainability. An economy of solidarity. An economy that, in addition to distributing money, understands that people need a roof, health, the possibility of educating themselves and their families among many other basic rights.

Those who work in popular economy understand that this is a way of life that includes all human beings and that we are part of a community that is not based on hierarchies. And that our community includes Nature, of which we are not the owners and without which we could not survive. 

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