Las Pibas are Taking over Argentine Youth

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Las Pibas are Taking over Argentine Youth Las Pibas are Taking over Argentine Youth Melissa Castaño

Over the last few years, the feminist movement has seen a staggering resurgence all around the world. In Argentina, particularly it’s stronger than ever and its more visible impact can be seen in the youth.

Young argentinian girls are getting together and turning to the streets to fight for their rights, march for their future and unite with their peers. As they are commonly called, 'las pibas' means 'girls', many of whom still go to high school. They’re considered the granddaughters of the feminists who welcomed democracy to Argentina.

Belonging to the 4th wave of feminism, las pibas completely contradict the vision of the ignorant and isolated millenials that many people hold. Many of these girls decided to join the feminist movement because they suffered and witnessed sexual harassment from men, because they heard about femicides or simply because they realised the lack of equality that women have in today’s society.

One of the causes that las pibas are most active about is sexual and reproductive education in their classrooms. With the new proposal to legalise abortionin the country, which they support, they believe there’s a necessity to inform teenagers about the topic and to give them guidelines on how to have a safe sex life. As the slogan of the National Campaign for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion says: sexual education to decide, contraception to not have an abortion and legal abortion to not die. There isn’t enough training coming from adults at home and there’s little sexual and gender equality education. According to some of them, they only receive one hour lessons about this or one conference per year that only focus on pregnancy prevention and contraception. 

Even though Las Pibas are feminists this doesn’t mean they’re against their opposite sex. The majority believe boys can change and want their absolute support without discriminating or making them feel isolated. Although sometimes the young males attitude can be perceived as a lack of interest in the issue, las pibas keep very optimistic about their change of perspective and see the beginning of an equal gender/ feminist society very close to our future.

*If you’re interested in checking about the national abortion campaign feminist movements, here's a link:

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