Empathy is the capability we all have that allows us to put ourselves in the place of another person and experience what they are feeling/going through.

To understand how COVID-19 affects the world, we went to meet Monica Perez, a protagonist and co-director of the Radio Station Project.

Creativity is the capacity for generating new solutions or alternatives to problems, is to leave aside your prejudices and misconceptions, and improve your reality with innovation.

Communication and active listening implicates the capacity of understanding verbal and non-verbal messages, and make questions to get a deeper understanding of the situation. This involves answering questions as well as giving and receiving constructive feedback.

To understand how covid-19 affects social organizations, we interviewed Luz Mendez, one of the coordinators of Pacheco Community. Here's the conversation we had.

What do we understand for critical thinking? It is the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Critical thinking implicates analyzing, evaluating and processing information.

Salut ! Nous sommes Evane et Marina, deux étudiantes françaises de 21 ans en école de commerce qui vivent à Paris. Pour notre deuxième semestre d’échange à l’international, nous avons décidé de réaliser une mission humanitaire au sein de l’ONG Voluntario Global, qui est une organisation à but non lucratif situé à Buenos Aires en Argentine.

Being flexible is understood as the ability to adapt to new environments and sudden changes. Being flexible is to face challenges without panicking, to face these situations with an open mind. It is about reflecting on the context and act according to it.

Hi, we are Evane and Marina, 21 years old, two French students in business living in Paris (France), and we decided to realize our exchange year in Buenos Aires (Argentina) during our second semester.

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